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Employers and Healthcare Administrators

TMA is the strategic partner you need to bridge the gap with your physicians. We can empower them to lead improvements in quality, efficiency and other key metrics to directly influence your bottom line, and we can offer valuable experience through TMA that helps them learn the business and political sides of medicine and prepare for leadership roles within your organization.


Contact Us


Anjanette Eash
Membership Relations Manager


Let us help engage your doctors

  • Your organization must manage a number of different stakeholders and business interests. TMA can devote all its focus to representing physicians with lawmakers and regulatory bodies, and your employed physicians will be happy to know that someone has their backs.

  • We look for and address the issues that affect physicians so you can take care of the rest of your business. When we win, you win, because we help make sure your doctors can work as efficiently and profitably as possible.

  • TMA also looks out for patients, taking on public health issues that, when we are aligned, contribute to your organization's favorable public image.