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  2. Recap of the October 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting

Recap of the October 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting



The Tennessee Medical Association Board of Trustees met at the Nashville headquarters on Saturday, Oct. 14 for the quarterly board meeting. The primary focus of the meeting was budget preparation for 2024, continued modifications to the legislative agenda and consideration of new member-facing projects.

The meeting resulted in the following: 

  • As with many membership organizations, all programs and services for 2024 are primarily funded from dues revenues generated. TMA membership increased for 2023 as did dues revenue, however the increase in expenses and cost of  doing business is outpacing revenue gains. The board is working diligently to balance the TMA’s budget for 2024.
  • The board has adopted a new protocol to help in discussions of issues brought to the TMA board for action with priority consideration going to the items relevancy to TMA’s mission, its current strategic direction and its impact on our membership.
  • To aid our members and practices to evaluate and help physicians on personal wellbeing, resiliency and decision making, we will be developing a new offering of the Judgement Index Program. This program is a tool used to educate personal awareness and development when it comes to an individuals ability to make a decision and lead.
  • A steering committee has been formed to lead TMA’s efforts to peel back onerous prior authorization protocols used by Tennessee health insurers.
  • TMA will be a signatory on an amicus brief supporting our member physicians in their court filing against the state of Tennessee and the BME over the current laws impeding use of a physician’s best medical judgment or opinion in consideration over pregnancy termination to preserve the mother’s health or life.
  • The board celebrated a milestone achievement, as TMA has reached a membership of 10,000 physicians strong

The next Board of Trustees meeting will take place in Nashville in Jan. 2024. If you have issues or communication for the Board, use our online form or contact Amy Campoli at