Take TMA's Survey to Support an Abortion Amicus Brief
In September 2023, the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit against the State of Tennessee and the Board of Medical Examiners seeking clarity on what circumstances qualify under the “medical emergency” exception in Tennessee’s Human Life Protection Act (HLPA). The lawsuit calls on the courts to issue a declaratory judgment about when physicians can legally terminate a pregnancy to preserve the mother’s health or life.
The lawsuit names two TMA member physicians as plaintiffs and asserts that the current laws are overly vague and impede physicians’ ability offer patients the medically indicated treatment in obstetric emergencies.
In October 2023, TMA’s Board of Trustees voted to join the American Medical Association in an amicus brief supporting the plaintiff’s legal argument. TMA is asking members affected by the law to provide corroborative evidence regarding confusing procedures and/or circumstances in which abortion care is under question in Tennessee, and the frequencies in which such events occur.
Information gathered in the survey will be used only to bolster counsel’s arguments in the legal brief. No member identifying information will be shared or disseminated to external sources without permission.
The last day to complete the survey is Monday, May 13 at 5:00 pm CT.